Welcome to Trinity CRC, we would love to have you join us in worship this Sunday morning!
All are welcome to participate in the morning service together which is a blend of contemporary and traditional songs led by music leaders that vary week to week. We worship God through prayer, song, scripture readings and biblical explanation. There is also a time during the service when we worship through financial giving for the mission and ministry of Trinity and other agencies and ministries that the church supports. You are welcome to give but please do not feel obligated.
Nursery is offered for children 0-3 yrs.
Sunday School is offered mid-service for children aged 4-7, they are dismissed after the Children's message.
Hearing assistance devices are available for those who need them. We are a barrier-free facility and a scent -free facility. Some of our members and visitors have a severe reaction to scented products. The congregation and visitors
are asked to use unscented/fragrance free personal care products, when coming
into the church building. This includes perfume, cologne, scented aftershave,
lotions, soaps, sprays, hair products.
The doors open at 9:30 with the service beginning at 10:00 am. Our services typically end no later than 11:30.
Following the service we invite you to join us for a time of coffee, tea, cookies and conversation. We hope you stay!