Sunday School

Sunday School will begin again on September 8, 2024.

On Sunday mornings, from September through June, we offer Sunday School for children ages 4 - 8.

The children begin their time of worship with their families in church. After the morning offering, Pastor John invites the children to the front for the children’s message. After a prayer, they leave the sanctuary with their teachers and go to their classrooms.

The children begin their time of worship with greeting each other and singing a few songs. They listen to a Bible story which is then followed by a craft or activity that reflects the story learned.


We use the Dwell Sunday School resources from Faith Alive. DWELL invites kids to live into God’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.  It encourages kids to live out of God’s story everyday as they respond to God’s call.

Each DWELL session provides fun, interactive ways for leaders and kids to learn and explore as together they find their place in God’s Big Story.

The 4 & 5 year old's follow the Imagine program. 

The children in grades 1-3 follow the Wonder program.

Food Challenge

This June, the children challenged the congregation to match their Community Food Drive donation. The children filled one barrel and the congregation filled three more barrels! The children were so excited that they offered the congregation a frozen treat after the Sunday morning service.